Supermemo UX - Extremes Deutsch Multi / Система тренировки вокабуляра (немецкий словарь) [2010, EXE, DEU / ENG / POL]
Extremes Deutsch Multi
Год выпуска: 2010
Разработчик: SuperMemo
Категория: Интерактивный курс
Издатель: SuperMemo
Язык интерфейса: польский, немецкий, английский
Формат: ISO
Таблетка: Не требуется
Системные требования: Компьютер Пентиум, Операционная система Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, 512 MB оперативной памяти, 3,2 GB свободного места, DVD-ROM-привод
: "Extremes Deutsch Multi" is a monolingual German course that has been created for those who would like to optimise their learning time, use support to study regularly and develop their scope of vocabulary. Learning with the "Extremes Deutsch Multi" course at all levels allows you to master words and phrases in many topics, including for example science and technology, banking, commerce and investment, education, work, industry and many others.
The features of the "Extremes Deutsch Multi" course for learning German make everyday language learning easier, more convenient and efficient:
- SuperMemo UX program for vocabulary learning with a method of repetition that has received numerous awards and whose effectiveness has been proven by research.
- You learn over 25 thousand most important words that are used on everyday basis by German speakers. You study and consolidate grammar, idioms, and phrasal and irregular verbs that are crucial at every level of language skills. With all this, your communication skills in German improve significantly.
- Create your own learner’s dictionary. When you work with other materials in the foreign language (e.g. read articles in German), you can search a word that you want to learn more about, find its definition, read example sentences and start learning it actively. In this way learning new words will become more interesting, because it suits your needs.
- Adjust exercise types to your individual preferences and needs. There are six different ways to practice new words, and you can choose the types of exercises that you prefer.
- Practice your pronunciation. Each word and definition in the "Extremes Deutsch" package has been recorded by German native speakers. You can listen to the correct pronunciation and then practice your accent, intonation and rhythm with the Pronunciation trainer, an advanced application for learning correct pronunciation.
- 25,400 words
- 157,500 exercises
- 40,000 example sentences
- 34 hours of recordings
- Grundstufe
- Mittelstufe
- Aufbaustufe
- Oberstufe
- Deutsche Grammatik
- Deutsche Redewendungen
- Rektion
- Unregelmäßige Verben
Чтобы скачать Supermemo UX - Extremes Deutsch Multi / Система тренировки вокабуляра (немецкий словарь) [2010, EXE, DEU / ENG / POL] бесплатно, без регистрации и платных смс вам нужно скачать специальный торрент-клиент. Он может быть любым, мы рекомендуем µTorrent. Возможно, он у вас уже стоит, тогда просто нажмите кнопку скачать по магнет-ссылке выше и следуйте дальнейшим инструкциям. Скачивать файлы таким образом удобно, быстро и безопасно.

Каждая программа, включая Supermemo UX - Extremes Deutsch Multi / Система тренировки вокабуляра (немецкий словарь) [2010, EXE, DEU / ENG / POL] содержит в себе проверенный кейген (в народе кряк, патч) или серийник (ключ). Так же таблетка может быть уже «вшита» в софт.
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