Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th Edition
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th EditionГод выпуска: 2010
Версия: 8th Edition
Платформа: PC
Совместимость с Vista: да
Совместимость с Windows 7: да
Системные требования:
Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7; 350 MHz, 128 MB RAM
Macintosh OS 10.2 or higher; 500 MHz, 128 MB RAM
Redhat Linux 9 or higher: 350 MHz, 128 MB RAM
Minimum installation of the software requires 110 MB available on hard disk
Macintosh users must perform a complete installation of the software requiring 550 MB available on hard disk.
Язык интерфейса: английскийEnglish level:
Upper-Intermediate to Advanced (B1-C2)
Editor: Joanna Turnbull
With over 35 million copies sold, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary is the world's bestselling dictionary, and the dictionary teachers and students love to use.
Key features
* NEW 1,000 new words and meanings covering technology, lifestyle, slang,the economy (carbon trading, citizen journalism, malware, social bookmarking, stack it, staycation, X factor).
* NEW Oxford 3000Plus shows students the most important words to know in English and the most important meanings of those words.
* NEW Academic Word List words marked.
* NEW 32-page Oxford Writing Tutor helps students plan, write and review their written work.
* NEW Topic Collocation notes and synonym information enables students to extend their vocabulary to over 7,500 words.
* NEW 64-page Visual Vocabulary Builder with colour photos and illustrations.
* NEW Oxford iWriter on CD-ROM an interactive tutor to help students plan, write and review their written work.
* NEW Interactive whiteboard-friendly CD-ROM.Дополнительная информацияAdditional Information
NEW interactive whiteboard-friendly CD-ROM includes:
* Oxford iWriter an interactive tutor to help students plan, write, and review their written work.
* Thesaurus, Cultural Guide and Word origins integrated with the A-Z create a complete reference tool.
* Example bank with 1,000s of extra example sentences.
* Topic vocabulary banks make it easy to look up and learn words used in society and politics, science and technology, culture, and education.
* Dictation exercises in a variety of accents to develop listening skills needed for passing exams.
* Help with learning and teaching dictionary skills.
* Exercises to practise and learn the Academic Word List.
NEW unlimited online access with audio:
* Access to the complete A-Z dictionary.
* Hear all headwords spoken to practise pronunciation.
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Каждая программа, включая Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th Edition содержит в себе проверенный кейген (в народе кряк, патч) или серийник (ключ). Так же таблетка может быть уже «вшита» в софт.
Перед установкой любого взломаного софта вы должны понимать, что несете полную ответственность за свой ПК и возможный ущерб, который могут нанести крякнутые программы. Хоть мы стараемся удалять такие раздачи, но 100% гарантии нет.
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