Oxford University Press - Concise Oxford English Dictionary [2000, EXE]
Concise Oxford English Dictionary
Внимание! Торрент перезалит 15 июня 2012 г. Причина - попытка избавиться от нескачивающегося 1%. Для этого торрент-файл был создан с другими параметрами. По содержанию же раздача не изменилсь.
Год выпуска: 2000 г.
Автор: Oxford University Press
Категория: Словарь
Разработчик / Издатель: Oxford University Press
Формат: exe
Лекарство: не требуется
Совместимость с Vista: неизвестно
: Concise Oxford English Dictionary - английский учебный словарь для изучающих английский язык. Часть слов снабжена звучанием.
на английском: Authoritative and up to date, this edition of the "Concise Oxford English Dictionary on Windows CD-ROM" contains over 240,000 words, phrases, and definitions, including all the latest new words. It offers rich vocabulary coverage, with full treatment of World English, rare, historical, and archaic terms, as well as scientific and technical vocabulary, and provides hundreds of helpful notes on grammar and usage. This electronic version of the dictionary offers full-text search functionality, instant look-up from Windows[registered] documents, including email and the Web, high-quality spoken pronunciations for thousands of words, and interactive educational word games, making it ideal for family, school, or office use. New to this edition is a fascinating Word Histories feature, telling the often bizarre stories of the origins and development of hundreds of words. For example, did you know that the word grammar is related to glamour, or that cockney used to mean a spoilt child? This dictionary also contains full appendices on topics such as alphabets, currencies, electronic English, and the registers of language, from formal to slang, plus a useful Guide to Good English with advice on grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
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