GaussView 5

GaussView 5

Год выпуска: 2008

Версия: 5.08

Разработчик: Gaussian, Inc. & Semichem, Inc.

Платформа: Win

Совместимость с Vista: да

Системные требования: 300 MB of disk storage for the program. Recommend a minimum of 1 GB of RAM for all versions.

Язык интерфейса: только английский

Таблэтка: Присутствует

: Программа для визуализации расчетов, полученных с помощью программы Gaussian.

Доп. информация: GaussViewW is an affordable, full-featured graphical user interface for Gaussian. With GaussViewW you can construct molecular systems of interest quickly and efficiently using its molecule building facility. You can also use it to set up and run Gaussian calculations and to visualize a variety of results.

GaussViewW incorporates an excellent molecule builder for rapidly building even very large molecules:

* Build molecules by atom, ring, group and amino acid.

* Import molecules from other sources by simply opening them.

* You can also add hydrogens automatically to structures orig-inating from PDB files with excellent reliability.

* Rotate even very large molecules in three dimensions.

GaussViewW includes easy-to-use graphical interfaces for even the most complicated Gaussian 03 input types: defining ONIOM layers, specifying unit cells for Periodic Boundary Conditions calculations, selecting orbitals for CASSCF calculations (see the lower left dialog in the illustration), and the like.

Gaussian jobs can be launched from within the user interface, and the calculation results can be examined when it finishes.

GaussViewW can visualize a variety of different Gaussian results, including:

* Optimized structures.

* Molecular orbitals.

* Electron densities, electrostatic potentials and other surfaces.

* IR and Raman spectra and the associated normal modes.

* Animated geometry optimization, IRC and trajectory results

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