PowerFX Vocaloid 2 Sweet Ann

PowerFX Vocaloid 2 Sweet Ann

Год выпуска: 2007


Разработчик: PowerFX

Совместимость с Vista: полная

Язык интерфейса: только английский

Таблэтка: Присутствует

Системные требования: Windows XP, Pentium4 2 ГГц или Athlon XP 2000+ (рекомендуются Pentium4 2,8 ГГц или Athlon 64 2800+), 512 Мб RAM (рекомендуется 1 Гб, при использовании варианта VSTi в реальном времени — 2 Гб).

: Вторая версия программы синтеза вокала Yamaha Vocaloid использует новое аудиоядро, позволяющее добиться более естественного результата. До 16 треков можно использовать одновременно. Поддерживаются потрековый рендеринг (сохранение в формате WAV), предварительное прослушивание, импорт стандартных MIDI-файлов. Изменен интерфейс редактора, упрощено управление атакой и вибрато, трек управления тембром сделан прозрачным. Программу можно использовать автономно (поддерживается формат ReWire) или как плагин формата VSTi. В варианте VSTi возможно игра с клавиатуры в реальном времени (при условии предварительного ввода текста), полифония четыре голоса.

Как и первая версия, Vocaloid 2 не будет продаваться отдельно — только в комплекте с библиотеками исполнителей. Первый такой набор, Sweet Ann, выпущен компанией PowerFX.

Sweet Ann is the first of PowerFX's line of vocal libraries which employ Yamaha's Vocaloid 2 software. Vocaloid software applications enable users to type in words and melody and have the vocal library "artist" sing back the input.

Sweet Ann is a pure "popstress." Her realistic vocals include a warm vibrato and an unmatchable range. While she can sing lead or harmony parts, PowerFX really envisions her as essential to the music labs of producers and electronic dance artists who depend on unique vocals for their genre.

Not only relegated to the electronic dance music, Sweet Ann and her contemporaries are used by songwriters for their demos, solo artists who desire realistic background vocalists, as well as other musicians who want to experiment with the new sounds and textures these virtual singers provide.

Sweet Ann's vocals come from a real singer who was recorded extensively, enabling PowerFX to create a comprehensive library of her vocal sounds. Vocaloid software users type in words and assign melodies to Sweet Ann. She then emulates the words and notes given to her. Expressive effects, vibrato and dynamics can also be added to her singing. Users compose using Sweet Ann as their demo vocalist, and even create and experiment with new musical styles, from remixes, vocal fx, and DJ scratch vocals, to jazz, pop, funky house music and electronica genres, all with the benefit of Sweet Ann as their virtual vocalist.

Vocaloid 2 Editor features:

* Easy to use note & lyric editing: Enter the notes you want Vocaloid to sing via the easy-to-use sequencer window, then type in the lyrics corresponding to each note.

* Standard MIDI file Input: You can import a standard MIDI file and use the notes as the basis for Vocaloid tracks.

* Up to 16 tracks: You can add up to 16 tracks of Sweet Ann or any other Vocaloid 2 compatible singer simultaneously.

* Mixer Window: Volume and panning controls are available for each of the 16 tracks as well as a master level control.

* Save vocal data as .wav files: You can export finished Vocaloid tracks as .wav files and import them into other music applications for unlimited creative possibilities.

* Real-time VSTi Performance: You can play directly into your sequencer from a keyboard, your lyric imputations via VSTi architecture. Up to 4 note polyphony for harmony and choir style results.

* ReWire compatibility: Vocaloid can be used with other host applications via ReWire

* Drawing of effects: Dynamics, breath, velocity, gender and other vocal characteristics can be manipulated simply with a pencil tool.

Правильная инсталляция:скрытый текст

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