Native Instruments - Komplete Kontrol 1.8.1 STANDALONE, VSTi, VSTi3, RTAS, AAX, AU Install & UPDATE x86 x64 [20.03.2017]
Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol v1.8.1 MACOS + WiN Install & UPDATE
Год/Дата Выпуска: 20.03.2017
Версия: 1.8.1 Build R5
Разработчик: Native Instruments
Сайт разработчика:
Разрядность: 32bit, 64bit
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Системные требования: 2GB+ RAM, 5GB+ free hard drive space
Mac OS X 10.10, 10.11 or 10.12 (latest update), Intel Core 2 Duo
Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10, Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2
: Komplete Kontrol Software является хабом между аппаратным контроллером и отдельными инструментами или звуковыми пэтчами пакета NI Komplete. Эта программа, по сути, выполняет всего 2 основных функции: она является упрощенным браузером звуковых пэтчей, также она автоматически присваивает управляемые параметры пэтча физическим контроллерам Komplete Kontrol S88 (включая настройки арпеджиатора и ладовые предустановки).
KOMPLETE KONTROL opens up the full potential of KOMPLETE. Feel the world’s most advanced software instruments come to life under your fingertips – more intuitive, expressive, and inspirational than ever before.
Browse and load sounds with the push of a button – KOMPLETE KONTROL manages the entire KOMPLETE universe in a single plug-in, thanks to the tag-based browsing system.
Don’t lose time mapping parameters to the keyboard. Native Map technology automatically maps all key parameters for each KOMPLETE Instrument to the touch-sensitive controller knobs. Everything you need to sculpt your sound – at your fingers and ready for your creativity.
The innovative Light Guide shows you key switches, zones and more in full color, depending on the instrument – key color corresponds to cell color in BATTERY 4, for example. The lights also provide performance feedback – see scales, chords, and arpeggios light up across the keyboard.
Play chords with single keys or map the entire keyboard to musical scales. Create melodies at the touch of a button with the advanced arpeggiator – optimized for hands-on performance. And bend, warp and automate sounds like never before with the highly flexible touch strips.
What's new in KOMPLETE KONTROL 1.8.1?
1.5 What Is New in KOMPLETE KONTROL 1.8
KOMPLETE KONTROL 1.8 includes significant enhancements to Smart Play’s Scale & Chord
engine, and a stand-alone Transport for integration with clock-based instruments. All of the
new features are fully accessible to visually-impaired users via the KOMPLETE KONTROL SSeries
Smart Play Scale & Chord
▪ The Smart Play Scale engine now includes over one-hundred Scales to quickly and easily
take melodies and harmonies in new directions.
▪ The Smart Play Chord Position parameter extends creative possibilities with full control
over the position of individual notes in a chord. When set to Auto, KOMPLETE KONTROL
automatically calculates the most natural transitions between chords, all in real time.
See ↑7.5, Scale Parameters for more information.
Stand-alone Transport
▪ KOMPLETE KONTROL’s stand-alone transport provides an internal clock, which can be
used by sequenced KONTAKT and REAKTOR instruments.
▪ Control the transport from the software via the Play and Restart buttons in the toolbar.
▪ Control the transport from KOMPLETE KONTROL S-Series keyboards via:
◦ PLAY: Start the internal clock.
◦ STOP: Stop / reset the internal clock.
◦ SHIFT + PLAY: Restart the internal clock.
◦ SHIFT + PUSH + Control encoder (turn): Adjust the tempo of the internal clock.
See ↑2.4.1, Transport and Navigate Controls for more information.
Other Improvements
▪ Pressing REC on a KOMPLETE KONTROL S-Series keyboard enables or disables recording
in the focused MASCHINE plug-in, not the corresponding track of the host software. See
↑2.5, Controlling MASCHINE with KOMPLETE KONTROL S-SERIES for more information.
▪ Support for NKS content products.
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