Elemental.Audio.Systems.Finalis.VST.v1.0 (пиковый лимитер)
Версия: 1.0
Платформа: PC VST
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует: Прозрачный, музыкально работающий пиковый лимитер.
+ мощный, уникальный алгоритм
+ эргономичный дизайн (индикация)
+ 3 варианта агрессивности алгоритма, выбираются пользователем
+ регулировка Release и Reaction
+ A/B сравнениеSmooth and transparent peak limiting plug-in.
Brick-wall Limiting & Loudness Maximization
We all know unplanned digital distortion is bad news. Use Finalis to control
your audio levels and prevent distortion from rearing its ugly head. And when
you need to give your audio more edge, Finalis helps you maximize your audio's
loudness. Even at more extreme settings, Finalis can control your levels without
audible distortion. Whether you just need to catch an occasional over or you
want to increase the average level of your audio, Finalis can tackle the job.
Pick Your Poison
You want to have control over the way a limiter behaves or "sounds." After all,
the same limiting style doesn't fit every purpose. That's why Finalis provides
you with three distinct limiting algorithms - so you can tweak Finalis' limiting
style to meet your audio's needs. But, Finalis gives choice without complexity.
You'll only interact with two primary controls to get the response you want.
Using Finalis is simple - in many cases you can just strap it on, make a small
adjustment to the Release or Reaction control and you're done.
Peak, and RMS, and Crest Factor, Oh My!
What is a limiter without proper metering? Finalis provides you with all the
metering you need to get the most from your limiting. To make sure you don't
lose sight of any aspect of your audio levels, Finalis introduces an integrated
Peak, RMS, and Peak hold meter. What's more, because limiting affects your audio
dynamics, Finalis includes an innovative new meter: the Crest Factor meter.
You'll use this meter to ensure you don't kill your audio dynamics. Unless, of
course, that's your goal.
It'll make you feel good, good, good...
Finalis supports sample rates up to 192 kHz so it's ready to accommodate your
audio needs now and into the future. Of course, because Finalis is a true
brick-wall limiter, you never have to worry about those naughty overs slipping
by. Other Finalis features include: two workspaces to compare your limiting
settings, configurable peak hold time, peak hold readouts, and more...The world of limiting just got brighter.
Доп. информация:
1) Инсталлируйте DEMO
2) Скопируйте crack в каталог инсталляции
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