Real Text Editor

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Real Text Editor - это текстовый редактор, схожий по функциям с Microsoft Word. Имеет возможность открытия, обработки и сохранения файлов: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, HTML страниц и многие другие текстовые файлы. Возможность вставки таблиц, многоуровневое форматирование текста и многое другое.

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Tutorial: How to build an Collaborative Editing Application with IPFS using CRDT:

Standard features: iPhone, iPad, Plain text, Appearance options. More info… txt. Hashtag to group and filter documents. Access recently edited documents. Create to-do list. Export to-dos to Reminders.

How to make a real-time collaborative text editor in 5 easy steps! // Rudi Chen:

What will it be for you? There are so many text editors out there. How do you know which one is right for you? You want to know if NoteTab is going to be your next editor, right? This may surprise you.

Kakoune Is A More Efficient Text Editor:

About two years ago I was creating a project for university. It was a complex of five programs that were related to testing checking knowledge I mean. One of them contained a text editor. So, after these two years, I decided to rewrite my program in C. NET initially, it was written in VB. NET and create a new powerful text editor.

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