Process Tamer

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( 15:36)
Проверено 18:01
Process Tamer - бесплатная утилита, которая в реальном времени осуществляет мониторинг загруженности процессора и при необходимости освобождает необходимые ресурсы для нормального функционирования программ, временно снижая приоритет соответствующего процесса. В результате система всегда остается в рабочем состоянии - можно архивировать данные или конвертировать видео и при этом спокойно работать в Word или в Интернете.

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Process Tamer is a highly efficient yet simple utility which sits in your system tray to monitor the CPU usage constantly for the processes. It is designed to help you out in situations where the system gets unstable due to programs hogging up the processor. Many a times, a single process may take up a lot of resources resulting in freezing of the system. You can use this tool to avoid such conditions. It works in the background to control all the active processes and whenever it detects a process overloading the CPU, it automatically reduces its priority temporarily till the usage returns back to a normal level. Tasks like conversion of audio and video files or working with archive formats can often hog the CPU and this is where such an utility comes handy.

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Process Tamer is a tiny utility that monitors the CPU usage of running processes and automatically lowers the priority of processes that are overloading the Process Tamer is a tiny utility that monitors the CPU usage of running processes and automatically lowers the priority of processes that are overloading the CPU until their CPU usage returns to a reasonable Process Lasso is NOT yet another task manager. It is a process priority optimization and system automation utility. Priority optimization, affinity optimization, core optimization, automated rules, automated This tool controls programs, disk, CPU. Replace task manager, tweak and tune up XP or Vista.

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