Moo0 RightClicker

7 MB
( 12:28)
Проверено 18:03

Moo0 RightClicker - утилита для расширения контекстного меню (меню щелчка правой клавиши) Проводника Windows. Добавляет много полезных функций, например дублирование текущего окна проводника, открыть/переместить/копировать в указанные папкам, скрытие основного контекстного меню и т.д.

Можно создавать свое собственное оптимизированное контекстное меню, скрывая нежелательные пункты, перестраивая порядок, располагая похожие меню в недавно созданную папку дерева, выделяя разделительным цветом, изменяя значок меню на ваш собственный и т.п. через модуль настройки. Позволяет создавать набор программ для одновременного запуска.

Moo0 RightClicker Pro is a set of enhancements on the context menu right click menu of Windows Explorer. User Rating: 0 0 votes. Please install this software and experience the possibilities that it can bring to you. Although you may need some time to get accustomed to it first, you will probably find your life far easier with these extra enhancements. Tips: - Please create your own optimized right click menu by hiding unwanted menus, rearranging the order of menus, packing similar menus into newly created menu tree folder, changing each menu icon to your own, and so on through the customizer. Please try it a while. Download Now.

How to use Moo0 Video Cutter:

User Rating: 3. Software Drivers. Moo0 RightClicker Pro is a set of enhancements on the context menu right click menu of Windows Explorer. File Size: 7. Please install this software and experience the possibilities that it can bring to you. Although you may need some time to get accustomed to it first, you will probably find your life far easier with these extra enhancements. Tips: - Please create your own optimized right click menu by hiding unwanted menus, rearranging the order of menus, packing similar menus into newly created menu tree folder, changing each menu icon to your own, and so on through the customizer.

برنامج 1.20 Moo0 Transparent Menu لتغير لون وشفافية قائمة زر اليمين للموس - الحلقة 392:

Moo0 RightClicker Pro is a set of enhancements on the context menu right click menu of Windows explorer. Moo0 RightClicker Pro adds many useful functionalities like duplicating current explorer window, open,move to, or copy to bookmarked folders, and hiding default context menus. Install Moo0 RightClicker Pro and experience the possibilities that it can bring to you. Although you may need some time to get accustomed to it first, you will probably find your life far easier with these extra enhancements. Moo0 RightClicker Pro 4.

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