
231 MB
( 18:54)
Проверено 15:01

BrowserDownloadsView - бесплатная программа для Windows, которая отображает информацию о загруженных файлах веб-браузеров Chrome и Firefox. Для каждой загрузки отображается следующая информация: Имя файла, URL-адрес загрузки, URL веб-страницы, время начала и окончания загрузки, продолжительность загрузки, размер скачанных файлов, используемый веб-браузер и др.

Утилита позволяет загружать список загрузок с текущей запущенной системы, с удаленного компьютера в сети, а также с внешнего жесткого диска. После того, как программа отобразит список загрузок, пользователь может выбрать одну или несколько записей, а затем экспортировать их в файл CSV/HTML5/XML/JSON или рассчитать хэш-файл MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 загруженных файлов.

Программа не требует инсталляции.

By default, most downloaded PDF files open in the Internet browser currently in use, usually in a new window or tab. This page will outline how to make the browser download PDF files automatically, rather than open them in a new tab. To proceed, select your browser from the list below and follow the instructions. To change the name of a PDF file you want to download, right-click the download link and select Save As. However, downloading a PDF is still possible.

How to enable Google chrome download option setting:

If the file current open is new and has not been saved a temporary file is created in your default temp directory for your OS with the extension of. However if the current open file is saved and has a name this plugin will open it in whatever you have set to handle its type. Find this plugin in the list by name View In Browser. By default this plugin will open files in Firefox. You can configure it to open using another browser of your choice. The browser you wish to use to open files is set in the key named browser. The following is a list of browsers configured for use out of the box. View In Browser also provides key bindings to open your current view in browser other than your browser setting.

How to Download Any File Faster on Windows 10:

You must declare the "downloads" permission in the extension manifest to use this API. You can find simple examples of using the chrome. For other examples and for help in viewing the source code, see Samples. The absolute URL that this download is being made from, after all redirects. False if this download is recorded in the history, true if it is not recorded.

How To Fix Downloading Problems In Chrome, Firefox, Browser:

This page is preserved as a historical reference, but the information on it is no longer relevant and you almost certainly want to be looking at immersiveweb. WebVR is an open specification that makes it possible to experience VR in your browser. The goal is to make it easier for everyone to get into VR experiences, no matter what device you have. Google Cardboard Works best with Chrome on Android devices. On macOS, you can use Firefox Nightly. Firefox and Supermedium are also supported with SteamVR. The easiest way to get started is with a basic headset like Google Cardboard. Those will allow for higher framerates, higher resolutions, and even let you walk around in VR.

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