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SimpleWMIView - небольшая простенькая утилита, с помощью которой Вы можете увидеть результаты запросов WMI в табличном виде. Технология WMI служит для централизованного управления и слежения за работой различных частей компьютера. Так, эта программа позволяет получить подробную информацию о системе, отобразить список запущенных процессов, используемых драйверах, зарегистрированных учетных записей, аппаратных возможностях и др.

Все данные можно экспортировать в текстовый формат, а также CSV-, HTML- и XML-файл.

You can also easily jump to the right utilities section:. Password Recovery Utilities. The utilities provided in the following section are for password recovery and educational purposes only. They are not intended to be used for illegal purposes. MessenPass v1.

video NirSoft SimpleWMIView:

WMI is accessible over networks and lets users query remote systems to gain information about them. WMI is powerful and flexible, and when used correctly it can deliver the best and most important information about your computers, servers and notebooks. Information as simple as IP addresses , MAC addresses, and other system related information is available, all the way to more specific hardware level information such as BIOS versions, serial numbers of internal components, to hardware information such as CPU temperatures, clock speeds, and active cores and similar information. From here, users can create automated reports that provide detailed information about their systems and networked machines on the network. Other WMI tools allow for the checking of system information in real-time via the WMI Framework, giving a vast array of information to anyone that wants to see what is happening on any Windows computer or server on the network. One of the best features of WMI is the fact that all of this information is available to one centrally managed location, which makes managing an entire network as easy as running a simple WMI reporting tool.

SimpleWMIView 1.20 Free:

О проблемах, например, с регистрацией пишите сюда - alarforum yandex. Обязательно пройдите активизацию e-mail , а тут можно восстановить пароль. Получить список классов программно Регистрация Восстановить пароль Повторная активизация e-mail Имя Запомнить? Получить список классов программно. Всем доброго. Стала задача облегчить себе жизнь, и вместо прописывания руками классов в WQL запрос выбирать нужный класс для запроса в некоем списке.

In a fraction of a second the table should display a vast amount of detail on each of your running processes. Whatever you choose, click Update afterwards and wait for the results. Beware, some may take a very long time, but if you lose interest then you can always click Stop and try something else. You can of course do something similar with Task Manager and various other Control Panel and Windows applets, but SimpleWMIView usually shows you more details, optionally for network computers as well as your own, and it allows you to save them. Show all. SimpleWMIView 1. Add to Watchlist Comment Share. WMI Diagnosis Utility 2.

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