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ShellMenuView - небольшая утилита, которая отображает список статических элементов меню, которые появляются в контекстном меню при щелчке правой кнопкой мыши на файле/папке в Проводнике, и позволяет легко отключить ненужные элементы меню. Для каждого элемента меню отображается расширение, ключ меню, тип файла, разработчик, описание, версия и др. В программе есть возможность отметить именно те колонки, которые хочет видеть пользователь.

View the full ShellMenuView homepage for virus test results. Register Account. ShellMenuView 1. This file is not trusted. We do not recommend downloading this file. If you are sure you want to download this file and have reviewed the risks associated with files that are not trusted, you may use the link below:. We urge caution when downloading this file.

como descargar, instalar y utilizar ShellMenuView:

Different software will set up theirentries within the right-click menu within your mouse. In case you have too several entries, identical ones or if you need to exhibit fewer items, use this very small application. The Microsoft windows Explorer context menu or right-click menu is a menu that seems when youright-clickon the desktop computer or even a file or folder inMicrosoft windows. Download ShellMenuView Full setup is the very lightweight free software program that shows anyone every one of the features that may be discovered within the Microsoft windows Explorer context menu and enables you to disable the ones anyone have no use for. Like most lightweight software program, it will not really will need set up. Just download free the executable file, save the software in your hard disk or any USB drive and run the software. App additionally will not really make use of the system windows registry or leave junks behind after being erased. After launching, program displays every one of the features within the Microsoft windows Explorer context menu in addition to their guidance, which include the name, menu type, file type, type description, expansion and a lot more.

Windows 10: how to clean up messy context menu and delete items with ShellMenuView:

Войти на сайт. Обновления тем Новые сообщения Список пользователей Правила. Главная Драйверы Windows Windows 10 Windows 8 и 8. Компьютерный форум Программное обеспечение Система. Сообщений: ShellExView v1. ShellMenuView v1.

Instalar Shellmenuview:

FileMenu Tools lets you customize the context right-click menu of Windows Explorer. The application adds built-in utilities to perform operations on files and folders and adds customized commands that let This free utility has three main functions: context menu editor, auto-play editor, and default programs association editor. Most shell extensions are automatically installed by the operating system, but there are also many other Fast Explorer is a handy Windows shell context menu editor that allows you to add new menu items, cascaded menus, customize menu bitmaps and hint text, and even clean up context menu items and remove shell Right Click Enhancer gives you power to control the right click menu everyone uses. Right Click Enhancer allows yo to edit your right click menu in the way you want. Now with help of this wonderful tool you

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