KeyBoard Statistics

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KeyBoard Statistics - Программа для учета нажатий клавиш клавиатуры и кнопок мышки. Программа позволяет вести учет нажатий клавиш клавиатуры за сутки.

KeyBoard Statistics позволяет учитывать как общее нажатие на клавиши, так и на каждую клавишу отдельно. Также программа ведет статистику нажатий клавиш в секунду, минуту, час и общую статистику нажатий (за все время).

System request SysRq or Sys Req is a key on personal computer keyboards that has no standard use. Unlike most keys, when it is pressed nothing is stored in the keyboard buffer. The specific low level function intended for the SysRq key was to switch between operating systems. A special key was needed because most software of the day operated at a low level, often bypassing the OS entirely, and typically made use of many hotkey combinations. To implement a task switching or multitasking environment, it was thought that a special, separate key was needed. On the later key keyboard, it shares a physical key with the Print screen key function. The Alt key must be held down while pressing this dual-function key to invoke SysRq.

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