Free Registry Cleaner

2 MB
( 10:27)
Проверено 11:01

Free Registry Cleaner - бесплатная программа для очистки реестра, удаления в нем ненужных и ошибочных записей. Для безопасности программа автоматически создаст резервную копию всего реестра, чтобы, при возникновении нештатной ситуации, можно было его восстановить.
Помимо чистки реестра, имеется возможность удаления ненужных файлов с диска, возможность редактировать список автоматической загрузки Windows, а также присутствует менеджер процессов и модуль деинсталляции программ, установленных в системе.

The user interface of the program is very plain and easy to navigate through. You can select specific parts of your Window registry that you want to scan e. After the scanning is complete, you can view the problem, registry key and value for each entry. So, you can unselect particular keys or carry on with fixing all the issues. What Eusing Free Registry Cleaner does not tell you is that it automatically performs a backup on your entries before deleting anything, so that you can restore the previous registry in case something goes wrong. In addition, you can initiate the "Startup Manager" to view applications which automatically run at system startup.

Free Registry Cleaner 4.0:

Wise Registry Cleaner Locate and correct problems in the Windows registry quickly. Join our mailing list Stay up to date with latest software releases, news, software discounts, deals and more. Free Download 3. Buy Now. Share with Friends. Wise Registry Cleaner can locate and correct problems in the Windows registry , such as missing references to shared DLLs, unused registration entries for file extensions, and missing referenced application paths.

How to Clean your Computer Registry \u0026 Faster Laptop Windows 10 - Free Registry Cleaner:

Wise Registry Cleaner кажется слишком хорошей программой, чтобы быть бесплатной. На самом деле, это немного больше, чем просто клинер. Утилита, помимо очистки, также производит дефрагментацию и сжатие реестра и предлагает немало настроек операционной системы для ускорения работы. Данный оптимизатор прост в использовании и не вызывает каких-либо проблем при работе. Он чистый и необычайно простой, и характерен для данного класса программ.

How to clean your Windows 10 PC without any software (safe and quick way):

Wise Registry Cleaner is by far one of the most successful freeware registry cleaning applications to date. It has become so successful because of the great results it produces by speeding up your computer experience. The application also gives you a comprehensive overview of problems it finds and gives you the chance to remove the entries. This particular registry cleaning tool, as with any other self-respecting program in that category, allows you to restore and backup the registry quick easily. Scans take very little time and the interface of Wise Registry Cleaner Free was inviting to both novice and intermediate users. When we ran it, we found it did a great job at generally improving the performance of our system. Overall, highly recommended. Further Reading: How to defragment your registry.

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