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MAC_spoofer - при наладке компьютерных сетей, иногда бывает необходимо изменить MAC адрес сетевой платы своего компьютера на произвольный. Данная программа умеет генерировать произвольные MAC адреса, изменять сетевой адрес Вашей сетевой платы и перезапускать сетевой интерфейс.

A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to your network card, and some networks implement MAC address filtering as a method of security. Launch the Terminal app and type the following command:. To spoof your MAC address, you simply set that value returned from ifconfig to another hex value in the format of aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff. You can generate a random one if need be. For this example, we will set our wireless MAC address to e2:e3:e4:e5:e6 by issuing the following command:. Meaning your MAC address is now the value you set it to. If you want to set your MAC address back to its real value, simply issue the above ifconfig commands with the MAC address that you retrieved in step 1.

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The first question you might have about this instructable is why would I need to spoof my MAC address. Well , there are two answers. One, you need to change your MAC address so you network will recognize your device and allow it to connect. Two, for malicious purposes you may need to spoof you MAC address so you could gain access to networks or to hide who you really are. Spoofing your MAC address is legal and can be done safely within Windows without any external software. The first step in spoofing your MAC address is to find the network interface device that you want to spoof. Then double click on the device that you want to spoof.

How to Change MAC Address Windows 10:

MacDaddy does not change the hardware burned-in MAC addresses. MacDaddy changes the "software based" MAC addresses. Allows changes to any NIC that permits using built-in utilities. Subscribe for our newsletter with best Mac offers from MacUpdate. Discover New Mac Apps.

How to change Windows 10 MAC Addresses - WiFi and Ethernet:

Generate completely random MAC addresses, or specific vendor addresses with the in-built vendor database. Setup custom rules for all your favorite networks - randomize every 30mins at your favorite cafe, set to a predefined MAC address at work, and set another MAC address at home. The possibilities are endless. Configure global keyboard shortcuts to instantly access the main window with handy network information, randomize your MAC address, or toggle the built-in timer function. Avoid silly network restrictions and protect your privacy while surfing public Wi-Fi networks. MAC addresses are not encrypted while you surf the internet, leaving your computer as a potential target for undesirable tracking. Fully Customizable Setup custom rules for all your favorite networks - randomize every 30mins at your favorite cafe, set to a predefined MAC address at work, and set another MAC address at home. Global hotkeys Configure global keyboard shortcuts to instantly access the main window with handy network information, randomize your MAC address, or toggle the built-in timer function.

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