EMCO Network Software Scanner

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EMCO Network Software Scanner - инструмент для выполнения основных операций аудита программного обеспечения на ПК в сети LAN/WAN. Позволяет собирать актуальную информацию обо всех установленных приложениях и обновлениях с удаленных компьютеров в сети. Все операции с сетевым компьютером осуществляется удаленно и невидимо для конечного пользователя. При этом не требуется установка отдельного клиента или специальной конфигурации, необходимо только указать учетные данные и иметь административный доступ к удаленному ПК. Сбор информации осуществляется в автоматическом режиме, после чего на экран выводится полный список приложений, обнаруженных на каждой удаленной системе.


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You seem to have CSS turned off. It is intended for both system administrators and general users interested in computer security. It can also resolve host names and auto-detect the local and external IP address range. Please provide the ad click URL, if possible:. Oh no! Some styles failed to load.

Network Inventory Advisor - Total control of your network inventory routines:

Keeping track of these assets, tagging them, and knowing their status at all times is essential to the operations of any modern company. Image Source. Knowing exactly your IT and network assets plays an important role in various aspects of the enterprise including economic, technical, security, operational etc. If you are a tiny SOHO office with a few servers, a couple of network switches and routers etc, its easy to know exactly what you have connected to your network. However, if you are a medium or larger company with a few hundred users or more, the situation can get out of control pretty fast. As one of the many free tools offered by Spiceworks, this inventory tool is robust and powerful.

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Also, the application allows extracting information on installed software updates from remote PCs. The collected information is displayed in the application ;s UI and can be exported to a CSV file. Software inventory information collected by the application is saved into a database and can be compared with previously extracted data in order to detect applications and updates that were installed and uninstalled in meantime. The operations of network scanning and software audit can be performed without any client installation on network PCs. All operations work silently and are invisible for end-users. The application doesn ;t use WMA for software audit operations, so it can be used in network where WMA is disabled. The license of this misc.

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