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MassCert - небольшая утилита для прикрепления цифровых подписей к Вашим программам и приложениям. Эта утилита работает на основе инструмента Microsoft SignTool (обязательно требуется Windows SDK).

Из дополнительных возможностей стоит выделить поддержку временных меток, совместимых с RFC 3161, поддержку файла персональной информации PKCS#12 (сертификат X.509 + ключ), автоматическую проверку правильности заполнения данных и др.

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Could you make an OCSP testing tool that checks. Why is your title version 1. You can use the Digital signatures panel in the File Properties dialog, yet so far there are only command-line tools like the signtool. If you want to remove a digital signature however, you can use delcert from the XDA-Developers board. The command-line syntax is delcert. If you need to remove a certificate from an OLE2 structured storage - for example an. You can post now and register later.

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Google Chrome Canary Chromium Bit Home News Software MassCert 2. Cookies contain small amounts of information such as login information and user preferences and will be stored on your device. Enable All Cookies Privacy Policy. MassCert is a free portable utility designed to allow placing digital signatures to files. Having a program file with a digital signature can alleviate false positives as well as providing confidence to users about the authenticity and integrity of the file.

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