GetWindowText - небольшая портативная (не требующая инсталляции) утилита с помощью которой можно прочитать текст окна (заголовки). Необходимо зажать левую кнопку мыши и навести ее на выбранное окно, после чего в главном окне программы можно будет прочитать его заголовки.
Поддерживает просмотр дерева каталогов (SysTreeView32), выпадающие списки и списки представления (SysListView32), позволяя читать их содержимое.
GetWindowText - это маленькая и портативная программа, с помощью которой вы можете прочитать и скопировать текст из таких окон и элементов интерфейса откуда это обычными средствами сделать невозможно. Перетащите значок GetWindowText, из окна программы, на элемент другого окна откуда вы хотите прочитать текст и, если это вообще возможно, в окне GetWindowText отобразится результат который вы сможете скопировать и использовать для своих нужд. Скачать 39,31 Kb Классная программа! Кстати, уже 2.
TWindow , derived from TEventHandler and TStreamableBase , provides window-specific behavior and encapsulates many functions that control window behavior and specify window creation and registration attributes. Called from TApplication::ProcessAppMsg to give the window an opportunity to perform preprocessing of the Windows message. Forward the current event to "handle" using either PostMessage or SendMessage. Virtual functions called to handle a message, and to deal with an unhandled message in a default way. TWindow is a generic window that can be resized and moved. You can construct an instance of TWindow , though normally you use TWindow as a base for your specialized window classes. In general, to associate and disassociate a TWindow object with a window element, you need to follow these steps:. Because the stack often contains selectors that refer to the addresses of objects that may become invalid during the delete process, it is not safe to delete the this pointer while events are still being processed.
С++ Туториал: Текст (Win32 API):
You can copy it on any USB flash drive or other devices, and take it with you whenever you need to read any window text on the breeze, without having to go through installation steps. GetWindowText sports a clean and intuitive layout that allows you to perform most operations with just a few clicks. When you release the mouse cursor, it automatically displays the title of the selected window into the primary pane. Plus, the tool offers support for directory trees and list views, and you can copy the information to the clipboard and paste it into other third-party utilities. Other notable characteristics worth mentioning are represented by the possibility to make the program read all columns from the list view, run the program at Windows startup, as well as set the transparency of the primary window. During our testing we have noticed that GetWindowText carries out a task quickly, and no errors showed up throughout the entire process. It leaves a minimal footprint on system resources, so the overall performance of the computer is not hampered.
Windows GUI automation - Python Plays Tetris p. 2:
Updated: Site: www. GetWindowText can extract text from any window by dragging icons from the application to the target window. The resulting text will be immediately available for editing or copying. GetWindowText supports multilevel directories, combo boxes, and does not require installation. Принимаю правила пользования сайтом и даю согласие на обработку персональных данных. Спасибо за регистрацию! На указанный е-mail отправлено письмо со ссылкой для активации вашего аккаунта.
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