Aml Pages

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Aml Pages - это электронная записная книжка, оперативный блокнот на все случаи жизни, каталогизатор. Позволяет хранить различную информацию: личные записки, e-mails, картинки, фрагменты веб страниц, URL, документы, пароли.

Возможности Aml Pages:

Aml Pages is a feature-rich application developed for managing documents, web pages, notes, passwords and other important information in a single place. The interface is represented by a regular window divided into multiple areas for creating objects, managing them, viewing history, and others. There are a lot of options provided by the program but, unfortunately it is not very clear on how to get started. It is possible to create documents, alphabetical lists and daily books. Pointing out document subdivisions is possible by creating nodes and child nodes.

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Aml Pages Organizer — это удобный органайзер для записей, который может выступать в роли подручного инструмента для записи важной информации и ее организации. Aml Pages Organizer поможет Вам легко управлять информацией, будь то личный дневник или записи на форумах. Удобное управление личной информацией 2. Приятный внешний вид 3. Простота освоения 4. Мощный поисковик 5. Aml Pages Organizer поможет Вам вести дневник или каталог, писать в блоги и форумы, сохранять веб страницы и важные документы, быстро и удобно сохранять важную информацию.

Aml Pages 9 51:

How do you keep track of your notes? Do you have little stacks of paper stuck onto every conceivable surface of your workspace? Or have you moved into the 21st century and keep them on your computer - again, as stacks and stacks of documents, sorted by some arcane methodology known only to the Ancients and yourself? Aml Pages is a tree-structured notes organizer that lets you keep track of all of your information - notes, web pages, what have you, in a way that makes it incredibly easy to find whatever you need. You even have the option of storing files or links to files!

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