Unit Converter

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( 18:37)
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Unit Converter - конвертер физических величин. Cодержит 1194 единицы измерений в 28 категориях.

Объем, Масса, Длина, Температура, Площадь, Скорость, Ускорение, Плотность, Давление, Сила, Момент силы, Расход (об.), Коэффициенты, Мощность, Работа, Энергия, Углы, Расход (мас.), Время, Компьютер, Вязкость (дин.), Вязкость (кинем.), Яркость, Освещенность, Частота, Концентрация, Емкость, Ток.

A cross-multiplication for the conversion can be expressed as:. From the first line in the area section in this page Back to top. Metre is the British, SI and elsewhere spelling of the unit of length equal to cm. Meter is the American spelling of the same unit. Mole [mol], kilomole [kmol], decimole [dmol], centimole[cmol], millimole [mmol], pound-mole [lb-mol].


You seem to have CSS turned off. A simple, easy to use unit converter with all the most commonly used units for length, temperature, pressure, mass, speed, energy, time, area, volume, power, and much more. Unit Converter Web Site. Please provide the ad click URL, if possible:. Oh no! Some styles failed to load. Help Create Join Login.

Coding the Ultimate Unit Converter for Cooking:

Access our most popular converters below to quickly convert currency rates, distance, temperature, area and more. To access all our converters, navigate in the menu above. Convertworld is one of the most used unit converion services in the world. You can quick and easy find out how many pounds is a kilo, how many dollars is a euro , how many centimeters is a foot as well as paper sizes, shoe sizes, area, volume, temperature and much more. Use our calculators for currency, weight, distance and just about any unit of measurement in the world. Convertworld is available in more than thirty languages with the latest exchange rates.

How to make a Unit Converter App - Android Tutorial #19:

The intelligent unit converter. Quickly and easily convert over units from twenty physical quantities. Daily exchange rates, favorites and extensive personalization settings make MxUnit Pro one of the most comprehensive and convenient unit converter for mobile devices. Save your frequently used units as a preset and define your own favorites for quick access. Select your preferred converter as default for app start or find your desired unit or size in the overview list. Perform simple mathematical calculations such as subtraction or addition directly with different units or currencies.

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