CS Sniper-NoZoom-Crosshair-Tool

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( 10:45)
Проверено 11:06

Counter-Strike 1.6 Sniper-NoZoom-Crosshair-Tool - утилита, с помощью которой можно включить или выключить специальный no-zoom прицел, который доступен для всего снайперского оружия в Counter-Strike 1.6 (AWP, Scout, G3SG1 и SG550).

По идее программа всего лишь заменяет стандартные снайпер-модельки на фейковые с прицелами. Если вы участвуете в соревнованиях по КС, вам нельзя использовать фейковые модельки во время игры или вас забанят. На пабликах всё же можно играть с такими модельками.

Самое главное и важное для настройки любого прицела в кс го. Детальное описание команд и всех их значений. Настройки прицела по умолчанию. Готовые прицелы знаменитых стриммеров и профессиональных игроков. В этой теме описаны все консольные команды для настройки прицела в CS:GO , а также перечислены их доступные значения и установки по умолчанию. Вы узнаете как настраивать и изменять прицел через консоль, сохранять и загружать настройки прицела в конфиг.

CS:GO - How to have a CROSSHAIR with the AWP ! ! !:

To change your crosshair to a dot, there are 3 commands required. Simply copy and paste the below into your console to set your crosshair to a dot:. This command would make your dot very small:. There are two styles of crosshair in CS:GO that are static: crosshair style 1 and crosshair style 4. Crosshair style 1 is the static version of the default CS:GO crosshair. To set the default static crosshair , use the following command:. To set the classic static crosshair a simple, usually green crosshair , use the following command:.

CS:GO NOOB TO PRO #9 - How to Awp:

Crashz is an expert in CS:GO crosshairs. Changing your crosshair can improve your game, as the default one may not be optimal for everyone. Your crosshair should be visible in any map environment but at the same time it should not be distracting and so big that it blocks your view. Newer players should stick to a dynamic crosshair style as they learn the game because it shows them when their shots will be accurate or not. Depending on your display resolution you should tweak those settings so that your crosshair is visible but not too big. This setting changes the opacity of your crosshair. We want be able to see it, so keep it at the maximum value

cs 1.6 : How To Fix Snipers Scope --(100%) Work !--:

As I was researching, I realized there are so many options out there, and it is very personalized. My goal with this article is that you will be able to customize your own crosshair and personalize it as much as possible for your needs. Whether it is the looks of it or getting a better movement or aim, you will find everything you need right here. In the video we show you how to copy paste in the commands and how to customize your own crosshair by looking at this video :. This phenomenal awp player showed up from nowhere and took the CSGO scene by storm. ZywOo is known to be the top ranked player of and are the closest challanger to s1mple as the best awper. Give it a try and see if it suits you. Stewie2k uses a thicker and bigger crosshair than the above.

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