Free 3D Photo Maker

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( 18:45)
Проверено 13:01

Создайте собственное 3D изображение с помощью программы Free 3D Photo Maker. С ее помощью вы сможете создавать 3D изображение как из одного, так и из двух исходных файлов. Программа проста в использовании. Для создания 3D, используя одно изображение, необходимо отметить птичкой окно "Одно изображение".

Для создания 3D из двух исходных файлов вам нужно взять две фотографии одного неподвижного предмета, снятые с небольшим горизонтальным смещением, которое обычно должно составлять 5-7 см для получения нужной картинки.

Внимание! Для просмотра полученного изображения необходимы специальные анаглифные (стерео) очки.

Upload the selected image and press the create button 2. Then download 2 photos of 1 tail image. For example ephoto. If you use the phone you need to use the browser and turn on the mode: the web page for the computer on the facbook and upload the 2 images that you just uploaded to the wall. Online photo effects, online text effect, frame effect. Category 3D Effect. Text effects.

3D Photo Maker - Tutorial:

Free 3D Photo Maker. Make 3D content yourself! With more and more consumer electronics to playback 3D movies and images appearing on the market, still there is a noticeable lack of quality 3D content. The program is extremely simple to use and that is what makes it so attractive to 3D-lovers. The extraordinary feature of the program is that you can create a 3D photo using just one picture as well as two pictures. You can take two shots of a still set object captured with a small horizontal shift. Usually the distance must be about inches to have the right scene.


You simply upload the contents of the applet-project to a Server using a freeware FTP program. More experienced users can create the entire webpage themselves or amend the file produced by SPM. If you have any feedback on the StereoPhoto Maker, please post it on this board. IE seems to show only one side of the image if it examines the file and finds it to be 3D. Also, resizing has been enabled. Added the ability to specify the start time when extracting audio from a video In order to use the movie function with StereoPhoto Maker SPM , it is necessary to put ffmpeg. This version removes this limitation.

Free 3D Photo Maker Tutorial:

Do you wonder how to create a stereoscopic image online? Or need to know how are these red and blue 3D images called? You are on the right site : you are now able to reproduce online this great photo effect by yourself, with a simple picture! Through the ConvertImage website , you can turn your photographs into 3D anaglyph Stereograms , free and online! Did you say "Anaglyph"? These are pictures of two colors that give you the illusion of depth also called "increased 2D". They have to be worn the way that your left eye match the red lens, and your right eye behind the blue one.

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