ColorWheel Harmony

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ColorWheel Harmony - это мощное многофункциональное приложение в виде художественного цветового колеса, предназначенное для гармоничного подбора цветов в соответствии с необходимой цветовой гаммой. Программа предлагает большой выбор средств повышения производительности, включая отображение палитры цветов, систему подбора цветов, универсальный цветовой язык и многое другое. Данный инструмент будет особенно полезен для веб-дизайнеров, дизайнеров интерьера, декораторов, художников и др.
ColorWheel Harmony предлагает шесть основных цветовых схем на выбор: Monochromatic, Complementary, Split-Complementary, Double-Complementary, Analogous and Triadic. Кроме того, есть возможность извлекать цветовые схемы из фотографий, встроен захвата экрана для загрузки любого графического изображения на рабочем столе прямо в палитру цветов, а система подбора цвета (color matching system) позволяет привести выбранные цвета к встроенной таблице цветов (HTML 147 стандартных цветов). В приложении используется универсальный цветовой язык, с помощью которого описываются все наименования и оттенки для каждого цвета. Полученные цвета палитры можно распечатать или же сохранить в виде файла изображения.

Advertisements ColorWheel Harmony is an interactive color wheel application which allows you to create effective combinations of colors in accordance with traditional color theory. Image color picker gives you ability to extract colors from your favorite photos. Built-in screen capture is a simple way to load any graphics shown on your desktop directly to the color picker. Embedded color charts are another source of predefined colors for your projects. Color matching system can find appropriate color chart entry nearest to the given color on the fly.

Why some colors match well?! Color Harmony Secret Simplified:

You have been succesfully subscribed to our newsletter. The chromatic circle that we know has had many variants and various theorists have elaborated their proposals. The purpose of the color wheel, Newton ring or circle of shades is to show all the colors of the spectrum with their transitions, even the Bauhaus put their geniuses to work on their own theories and measurements, such as the color star and others Chromatic "circles" developed by teachers. In the origins of the chromatic systems the problem was the order in which to establish the colors, to organize them with respect to others and to obtain a classification, since in addition the denomination for each color could vary a lot and was far from being exact as for its nomenclature, whether red vermilion or crimson, contains different "sociocultural" nuances. Because of these cultural and environmental facts in the denomination of colors there are important variations in their perception and classification, an Eskimo sees many more shades of white than a European, as it has more specific names of white to an African who perceives more nuances of the red for example and in their culture there are more specific names for red. Another aspect is the origin, for example the ultramarine blue, since it was a color in which its material to mix with a binder came from overseas hence its name. Among the first that began to realize their theories with their classification modes are the Runge sphere, the ostwald solid, the munsell solid, the NCS system or the three coordinate systems H, S, L.

Abstract Painting / Use the Color Wheel for Color Harmony in Your Next Painting:

With colors you can set a mood, attract attention, or make a statement. You can use color to energize, or to cool down. By selecting the right color scheme, you can create an ambiance of elegance, warmth or tranquility, or you can convey an image of playful youthfulness. Color can be your most powerful design element if you learn to use it effectively. Colors affect us in numerous ways, both mentally and physically. A strong red color has been shown to raise the blood pressure, while a blue color has a calming effect.

Munsell Color Wheel System for color mixing:

ColorWheel Harmony is an interactive color wheel application which allows you to create effective combinations of colors in accordance with traditional color theory. Image color picker gives you ability to extract colors from your favorite photos. Built-in screen capture is a simple way to load any graphics shown on your desktop directly to the color picker. Embedded color charts are another source of predefined colors for your projects. Color matching system can find appropriate color chart entry nearest to the given color on the fly. Implementation of the Universal Color Language - level 3 color designation system describes all hue names and neutrals with modifiers for each color you select. Generally speaking, you can precisely describe any color even by phone. ColorWheel Harmony 2.

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