PC Decrapifier

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PC Decrapifier - портативная утилита, которая позволяет быстро и легко очистить компьютер пользователя от предустановленных ненужных приложений (к примеру это актуально при покупке нового ноутбука или ПК).

При запуске программа поинтересуется на новом ли компьютере предполагается использовать PC Decrapifier, предложит создать точку восстановления и отобразит список программ, среди которых необходимо отметить подлежащие удалению. Рекомендуется использовать последнюю версию программы, поскольку база "мусорного" ПО постоянно обновляется.

The PC Decrapifier is designed to remove a specific list unwanted software in an unattended fashion. Before running, the user may select exactly what software should be removed. Currently, it is targeted for use on The PC Decrapifier is a program designed to remove or uninstall a specific list unwanted software in an unattended fashion. It can be used to clean off most of the annoying software that is typically shipped with newer PCs. PC Decrapifier is a product developed by Yorkspace. This site is not directly affiliated with Yorkspace. All trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

How To Use The PC Decrapifier To Wipe Unwanted Junk:

The PC Decrapifier is designed to remove a specific list unwanted software in an unattended fashion. Here you can get the latest download of the PC Decrapifier. The PC does not need to be new, however, the older the PC is, the less likely it will have any of the software that it can detect. Simply download the file above, and run the EXE. There is no installer necessary. If you have anti-virus software installed, it may complain about this program because it is written with a scripting language. These warnings can be safely ignored. When it runs, you will be presented with a wizard style dialog box that steps you through the entire process.

PC DeCrapifier Walkthrough:

Вход Регистрация. PC Decrapifier 2. Дата обновления: PC Decrapifier v2. PC Decrapifier version 2. Версия для печати.

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