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FastFolders - расширение для Проводника Windows, добавляющее в контекстное меню соответствующий пункт для быстрой навигации и удобного доступа к файлам и папкам. При этом сохраняется открытие полной структуры директорий без дополнительного клика по самой папке или диску - достаточно просто навести мышку. Таким образом, намного удобнее и комфортнее перемещать или копировать файлы между разными директориями на Вашем ПК.

Кроме всего, используя меню FastFolders, при наведении мышки на диск или папку отображается дополнительная информация с общим и занятым размером директории, количеством файлов и подпапок (в том числе и скрытых). Это позволяет Вам сразу узнать какие папки занимают больше всего места на ПК.

В общем, FastFolders достаточно полезное расширение, которое упростит работу с файлами через меню Проводника Windows.

Report misleading. Anyone who has worked in Windows extensively and has lots of different files for work and personal projects knows how time-consuming it can be just navigating the menu system properly to search for what you need. However, thanks to FastFolders for Windows, this worry is a concern of the past. FastFolders works by adding a menu item to the contextual menu system of Windows Shell folders that displays the entire folder directory structure immediately and far quicker than Windows does. By granting users the ability to bypass the typical process and instead have instant, easy access to their folders and files, this program is sure to increase productivity and overall worker satisfaction for anyone that uses it. This program also includes advanced user functionality to increase workflow performance even more.

شرح مبسط لبرنامج FastFolders:

It is full offline installer standalone setup of FastFolders Free Download. FastFolders is an efficient application that offers fast and easy access to your files and folder contents in order to increase your productivity and improve your workflow. The application lets you easily browse the entire directory without having to open the folder and helps you instantly find the desired files. You can browse the directory structure simply by starting at any point by clicking the right mouse button on any file, folder or drive. The program includes integrated search engine for working with massive files and folders to provide quick navigation and increase efficiency. FastFolders is incredibly an effective application offering highly configurable options and functions for better management of your files and folders. It will add a new entry to your context menu that will show an overview of your folder structure. You can set the position in the context menu at the top, bottom as well as near the mouse for quicker access.

Using fastfolder:

User Rating: 3. Software Drivers. FastFolders 5. This system extension increases your productivity dramatically by giving you quick and easy access to folder contents and files. Without opening each and every folder, you can browse the directory structure starting at any point by clicking the right mouse button on a file, folder or drive. The program adds a menu item to the context menus of shell objects, which displays the directory structure and item size on demand. View full FastFolders 5.

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