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Win10PrivacyFix - программа для отключения функций слежения в Windows 10, которая предоставляет пользователю полный контроль над системой и ее безопасностью. Приложение блокирует отправку личных данных на сервера Microsoft, отключая соответствующие службы, а также позволяет оптимизировать Проводник и различные службы, работающие в фоновом режиме (например можно отключить постоянную активацию микрофона или передачу нажатых клавиш).

Основные возможности:

We pay immediate attention to the developer, Going to the official site and reading we will know that it can prevent the collection of personal data by Microsoft by blocking their servers and disabling all services. It can also make the optimization of explorer and background services, for example, it can turn off the constant microphone activity and send the keys pressed. With this program, you will have complete control over the system and its security. After the launch, judging by the screenshot, we are waiting for a window divided into two areas, on the right you can see the percentage of disabled options, on the left list divided into categories, you need to navigate through it and turn off what you think necessary. Functions are enough, it is visible on a runner, how much they are more and how much better they are, judge for yourself, it is necessary to pay for it or not, to decide yourselves. Apparently Germans simply do not know where to download free programs of this type, it is necessary to send them to our project.

Record Your Screen in filmora9:

By default, Windows sends a lot of your information to their servers sometimes without asking you to opt-in. Follow this guide to fix Windows 10 and restore your privacy. Use local account with Windows 10 2. Edge browser. You can do it while "Make it yours" screen appears by clicking "Skip this step". Turn off both switches to disable Wi-Fi Sense.

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В несколько кликов мыши вы сможете справиться с обнаруженными проблемами. При посещении веб-сайтов вы получите информацию о возможных рисках для конфиденциальности, прежде чем предоставлять личные данные, сможете удалить cookies веб-сайта, запросить удаление вашей личной информации. Однако, данный плагин не передаёт информацию за пределы вашего веб-браузера. Имя обязательно. E-Mail не будет опубликовано обязательно.

Limpiar historial de conexiones de Escritorio Remoto en Windows 10:

This app improves the functionality of Explorer and background services. Win10 PrivacyFix blocks the transfer of data to Microsoft servers and disables some backend programs. For example, it stops the microphone and keypad. This program allows the user to create a balance between comfort and security. However, this software can remove preinstalled programs that are installed by the system periodically. Abelssoft Win10 PrivacyFix Features: — Stops services, including monitoring user actions, and prevents them from restarting — Disables recording of characters entered on the keyboard — Disables — Turn the microphone — Disables data recording about installed applications — Hide search bar in the taskbar — Disables the update service, lets you be anonymous — And many more. Just install and use!

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