Kaspersky RakhniDecryptor - утилита для борьбы с вредоносной программой Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Rakhni. Вредоносная программа Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Rakhni используется злоумышленниками для зашифровки файлов таким образом, что их расширения меняются по следующим шаблонам:
Поддерживается поиск файлов с следующими расширениями: .doc.locked, .docx.locked, .xls.locked, .xlsx.locked, zip.locked, rar.locked, pdf.locked, .doc.kraken, .docx.kraken, .xls.kraken, .xlsx.kraken, zip.kraken, rar.kraken, kraken.
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Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool Test!:
Привет, Гость! Регистрация Войти. Компьютерная помощь. Rootkit руткит — программа или набор программ для скрытия следов присутствия злоумышленника или вредоносной программы в системе. ZIP 4. EXE 4. Используйте специальную утилиту RectorDecryptor для расшифровки файлов, зашифрованных вредоносной программой Trojan-Ransom. Rector, и разблокировки компьютера.
KASP file virus ransomware [.kasp] Removal and decrypt guide:
In the last years, cybercriminals distribute a new type of viruses that can encrypt files on your computer or your network with the purpose of earning easy money from their victims. According to my experience, the only safe way to keep oneself protected from this type of viruses, is to have clean backups of your files stored in a separate place from your computer. I wrote this article in order to keep all the information for the available decrypt tools in one place and I will try to keep this article updated. Please share with us your experience and any other new information you may know in order to help each other. Trend Micro has released a Ransomware File Decryptor tool to attempt to decrypt files encrypted by the following ransomware families:.
Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool 4.0:
Talos Group. After the takedown of Cryptolocker, we have seen the rise of Cryptowall. Ransomware is becoming an extremely lucrative business, leading to many variants and campaigns targeting even localized regions in their own specific languages. Although it is possible that these multiple variants are sponsored by the same threat actor, the most likely conclusion is that multiple threat actors are jumping in to claim a portion of an ever increasing ransomware market. One of the latest variants is called TeslaCrypt and appears to be a derivative of the original Cryptolocker ransomware. Talos was able to develop a tool which decrypts the files encrypted by the TeslaCrypt ransomware.
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