SAM Broadcaster PRO

28 MB
( 24.03.2025 11:36)
Проверено 24.03.2025 19:03

SAM Broadcaster PRO - программа для создания собственного интернет радио. Предлагает профессиональный звук, поддерживает большинство популярных форматов, присутствует веб-интеграция, статистика и отчетность.

Особенности программы:

Функции Live DJ версии:

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Configuring Sam Broadcaster Pro for SHOUTcast and IceCast servers (Internet Radio):

Did you know that Geo-targeting ensures that radio broadcasters are legally compliant within their jurisdictions as countries have different broadcasting regulations on where you can broadcast. Here are some Solutions to our most frequently asked problems. Podcasting was originally for public access but that has gradually changed over time, with other podcasters preferring their podcasts to be for specific audiences. In this best practice guide by Omny Studio, learn how you can secure the distribution of podcasts for premium content, content for specific audiences and sensitive content. When you are done live streaming you simply switch back to SAM Broadcaster Cloud to resume your automated content. The interoperability enables a smooth transition from one software platform to the other ensuring that your stream is always live and of the highest quality.

Voice Tracking in SAM Broadcaster Cloud:

SAM Broadcaster is a professional computer-based internet radio broadcasting solution. Manage a huge media library, use seamless mixing tools, and stream online flawlessly with Manage a huge media library, use seamless mixing tools, and stream online flawlessly with versatile encoders. Try it for Adding tracks is simply with the easy to use wizard. Tracks can be analysed for silence for a more streamlined output Internet DJ Console is a project started in March to provide a powerful yet easy to use source-client for individuals interested in streaming live radio shows over the Internet using Shoutcast or Icecast

How to Create An Internet Radio Station - Sam Broadcaster Cloud:

В AppAgg для уточнения поиска можно использовать специальные слова и символы, называемые поисковыми операторами. Чтобы максимально сузить результаты, в поле поиска можно вводить несколько операторов сразу. Перечень поисковых операторов:. Android Приложения 2. Android Игры 3. WP Приложения 6. WP Игры 7. Windows Приложения

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